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A scene from York Park after the flood. The park was located along the Ohio River where a rolling (steel) mill had stood before it was destroyed by fire. The park was named after Levi York, president of Burgess Steel & Iron Works.

York Park and construction of the new U.S. Grant Bridge across the Ohio River.

Scanned page 80 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of York Park captioned "Children's Playgrounds."

"Years Greeting From Portsmouth, Ohio" typed onto a postcard with orange, red, and yellow flowers behind the words in the upper left hand corner.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a black and white photo of Yeaher's Dry Goods Store on Market Street and another black and white photo of Second (2nd) & Court Streets; Damarin Corner

Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white typed text:
"Ye Olden Tyme
Random Sketches
Unusual and out of the ordinary incidents and happenings on old
Portsmouth, Ohio
The period of
McGuffey's Reader

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Ye Olden Days; H.A. Lorberg; Old Market Square

Scanned page 5 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a colorized image of Ye Olde Union Mills on the West Side with typed text about the Ohio Canal. Black & white images of David Lawrence and S. B. Drouilard. Clipping of an air-mail postmark.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page talking about Ye Olde Union Mills located on the west side

Black and white photo negative of six women standing in front of the Ye Ole Relic Room, during the Portsmouth Historical Pageant. This was the site for the old Lyric Theater on Gallia Street.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is an image of the Ye Olde Mill or Union Mills on the Westside with a small typed description below.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Postcard of Ye Olde Mill; West Side; Wells Hutchins; Jim Hager; Alex Glockner; Old Bed; Pop Corn Point; Swift Raper; Ohio Canal; Emanuel Miller (July 16)
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