Scanned scrapbook page 139. German Methodists (1870); Franklin Avenue Church; Dr. Nast; Weidman; Phetzing; Leibhardt; Licht; Wunderlich; Nachtrieb; Bozenhardt; Jahraus; Schneider; Koch; Dressler; Kiefer; Prof. Baum; J. M. Wendelkin; Vincent Brodbeck; M. Lehman & Bro.; Trotter Block; Richardson Block; Charles Pursell; Hollanders (1851; 1847; 1848)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. An Old Police Force; Y. M. C. A.; Second Presbyterian Church; Flood of 1881; West Second (2nd) Street; Constitution and By- Laws of the Portsmouth Harmonic Society (1875)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 137. Dr. McCorney; Dr. Schwab (1875); Dr. H. Kautzeben; Drug Store; Dr. Wagenswantz; Phil Streich; Streich Pharmacy; Henry Kinney Farm; Herb McCorney (1870s); Will Dunn (1870s); City Lockup; Dan Dunn
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. W. J. Lampton; German Day Parade; Newman House; John Wilson; J. Swims; Gunn & Reber; J. G. Firmstone; Ben Bratt; Bear Creek
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Louis Blomeyer; Charles Burt; The Kentucky Palisades, Opposite Portsmouth; Devil's Den; Profile Rock; Ancient Indian Fort; Raven-Rock; The Theodore Roosevelt Game Preserve; A. P. Highway; Grave of a Soldier of the Revolution; Fullerton, KY; H. A. (Henry A. Lorberg) Pub.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 134. David Elick; New Year (1869); Aftermath of the Civil War (1860s); Andes Insurance Company; Andes Hotel; Sheridan House; German Catholics; William StClair; Enlistment Card (1922) ; Henry A. Lorberg