Black and white photo image copy of 3 young ladies. Identified as: top: Virginia Snyder, 1940; bottom: Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)
Aged, black loose scrapbook page with tabs, notation for identification and two photos. Jane Walbright and Willard Grizzell, Sciotoville- Portsmouth East School 1941 (other photos undocumented)
Black and white photo image copy of 5 young ladies at Allard Park. Identified as: standing; Rita Martin, 1942. kneeling; Jackie Frecka, 1940. Sitting: Virginia "Gin" Snyder, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941. (behind Jane) Jeanette Snyder, 1941. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)
Black and white photo image copy of 5 young ladies on bench at the park. Identified as: Seated: Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jeanette Snyder, 1941; Rita Martin, 1942. Standing: Virginia "Gin" Snyder, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941.
Allard Park, Summer, 1938. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)
Black and white photo image copy of 7 students on the bleachers at the park. Seated on ground: Rita Martin, 1942; On bleachers: Jeanette Snyder, 1941; Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941; Virginia Snyder, 1940. The two boys at top behind girls are unknown. Allard Park, Summer, 1938. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)
Black and white photo image copy of 6 students at the park. Identified (bottom to top) as: Jackie Frecka, Jeanette Snyder, Virginia Snyder, Jane Walbright, Rita Martin, unknown boy. Allard Park, Summer, 1938. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)