Tinted image of Market Street businesses and the Washington Hotel at the corner of Second (2nd) and Market Streets. Built in 1901, Washington House became part of the Riverview Retirement Center development serving the elderly and handicapped in 1979. It had been known as the Milner Hotel from 1939 to 1956.
1956-2014+ Market Street Hardware. Scioto County Auditor record of year built-1850.
1952-1956 Blankenship's Hardware Store
1947 Chester E. Pollitt, hardware store.
1941 Ralph E. Mauntel, lunch room/restaurant.
1935-1910 J.J. Orlett & Son Groceries and site of the Post Office SubStation No. 1.
Before 1910 the specific history of the building is sketchy.
The Biggs House-Massie block fire occurred in 1871. Among other business places destroyed was Carter's Hotel, Lynn's Livery Barn, Dugan's bank, Valley bookstore, John Yoakley's music store, Times Office, Eisman's, Val Reinhart's Candy factory, L wises, Ross palmers, Timmons, Eberhard's and others. Reilly's stock was carried to the Market House, and much stock from the other stores elsewhere, especially cigars and tobacco and candy. The Mountain Boy river boat was moored at the wharf, and the "roustabouts" who joined in the rescue may have mistaken the boat as a place for salvage. at any rate, considerable goods not consumed by flames could not be located. The Steamer Eagle had been secured, but no water works had been built, and it was necessary to run the hose to the Ohio. Charlie Soule, portrait painter, and Mr. Garlic, photographer were in the Massie Block and lost all. For many years, as was in the case of the 1884 flood, everything was dated from, "The Fire". The loss was very heavy, but it served one good purposeā¦ The Water Works was built.
Colored photo of construction being done on Market Street to add side walks and parking. Cars and construction equipment shown, also Market Street Hardware shown.
Black and white photo negative of the R & G Blum store, located at the Third (3rd) and Market Streets corner. The store was owned and operated but Robert and Gus Blum.
F.C. Daehler Co. Furniture and Undertaking Parlor, located at 205 and 207 Market Street. Being found at different locations in numerous City Directories, the business seemed to move around quite a bit.