black & white photo image scanned from book. Anderson Brothers located 301-309 Chillicothe Street. In 1925 two floors were added. Sears Roebuck Company was in this building 1935-1984, later it was made into Park Apartments.
St. Mary's Church is located at the northwest corner of Fifth (5th) Street.
Bigelow Methodist Church is located on Washington Street at the southwest corner of Fifth (5th) Street.
In the photo, several unknown individuals can be seen on the right corner. The building at the right is the Hotel Washington. To the left, Adolph Brunner & Sons Dry Goods Store was located at 202-204 Market Street. A street car is running along the…
The Second Presbyterian Church was located on Waller and Eighth (8th) Streets. After the success of the First Presbyterian church, located at 221 Court Street at the corner of Third (3rd) Street, a second one was constructed as the congregation…
The Scioto Star Fire Brick Company was in Sciotoville, Ohio between the river and the railroad. It was incorporated in 1872 with John Peebles as president. The 13 acre plant made Fire Brick, Clay In-walls and Hearths for blast furnaces, tiles of…
The Scioto Hominy Company was located on Gay Street at the North East corner of 13th (Thirteenth) Street. The Times Publishing Company building was located at 102-110 Chillicothe Street.
The Scioto County Children's Home was located on Grant Street between Hutchins and Grandview Avenue.
The Portsmouth Blade newspaper ran from 1879-1914. The building was located at 119 West Second Street.