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  • Tags: sciotoville

Black & white glossy photo image of Willard Grizzell. Sciotoville class of 1940.
Corp. U. S. Airforce, WWII, Tennessee, Fall of 1942; 21 years old

Black and white photo image of the theater at 5716 Gallia Avenue, Sciotoville. Built 1922, closed 1954.
Also pictured is Adrian's Grill, 5720 Gallia, Sciotoville.

Black and white photo image copy of 6 students at the park. Identified (bottom to top) as: Jackie Frecka, Jeanette Snyder, Virginia Snyder, Jane Walbright, Rita Martin, unknown boy. Allard Park, Summer, 1938. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)

Black and white photo image copy of 7 students on the bleachers at the park. Seated on ground: Rita Martin, 1942; On bleachers: Jeanette Snyder, 1941; Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941; Virginia Snyder, 1940. The two boys at top behind girls…

Black and white photo image copy of 5 young ladies on bench at the park. Identified as: Seated: Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jeanette Snyder, 1941; Rita Martin, 1942. Standing: Virginia "Gin" Snyder, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941.
Allard Park, Summer, 1938. …

Aged, yellowed paper with 3 fonts printed in black, and enclosed in a cardstock enclosure with Lyllyan Oetta Snyder on outside cover. The paper originally had the dates May 21 and 22, but were inked out on another paper to change to May 25 and 26,…

Black and white copy of photo image of 5 ladies seated on the front steps of the building. Identified as: Bottom row ( l to r) Jackie Frecka, 1940; Jeanette Snyder, 1941, Jane Walbright, 1941. Top row, Rita Martin, 1942 and Virginia "Gin" Snyder,…

Navy blue and gray hooked and embroidered letter with basketball at the bottom. Sciotoville Basketball team 1940s.

Black and white photo image of two men- one listed as Roma "Romie" Lee Walker; Class of 1941; Portsmouth East/Sciotoville, MB2C, U. S. Navy (Fall 1944) Indications that item was glued in a scrapbook.

Black and white photo image of Roma "Romie" Lee Walker with children; Class of 1941, Portsmouth East/Sciotoville; MB2C, U. S. Navy (Fall 1944) Indications that item was glued in a scrapbook.

black and white photo image of Roma "Romie" Walker with young boy; Sciotoville/Portsmouth East class of 1941; MB2C, U. S. Navy (Fall 1944) California; Indications that item was glued in a scrapbook.

black and white photo image of Jack Snyder, Sciotoville class of 1945. Indications on back show item was previously in a scrapbook.
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