Bring the kids for some laid back creative play at LEGO CLUB where they can build with LEGOs, Lincoln Logs, and magnetic construction toys!

Drive -In Style Movie Night

We will be showing “Despicable Me 4″. relax and enjoy Unique seating, snacks, and all the fun of the drive-in without battling the elements! You DO NOT want to miss this!

“ELF” Interactive Toy Shop

Become an honorary elf by crafting, painting, and creating toys to give away this holiday season. Of course no elf fit for the North Pole can work without the four main elf food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and SYRUP so leave room for dessert! We will have a… Read More »


Bring the kids for some laid back creative play at LEGO CLUB where they can build with LEGOs, Lincoln Logs, and magnetic construction toys!


Use pony beads to make a beautiful harvest decoration! Kids ages 6-12 can create personalized corn cobs and play turkey-themed games!

Ninja Turtle Gallery Walk

You know your favorite teenage turtles, now learn about the famous artists who gave them their names! Paint the ceiling like Michaelangelo, sculpt something breathtaking like Donatello, or sketch like Leonardo while learning about Renaissance art! Enjoy a slice of pizza with your picture-perfect paintings to finish up the fun!… Read More »

Hibernation Party

Our puppet, Mr. Brown Bear is going to hibernate until Spring; help us give him the best send off! Come dressed in PJs or comfy cozy stuff fit for a party about a long winter’s nap. We will have snacks, learn about hibernation, enjoy games and “bedtime” stories with all… Read More »

Around the World in a Day

Grab your suitcase and get it packed for a journey around the world! At this interactive Library program, kids will learn about geography, weather, cultures, and landmarks as they plan their itinerary, gather supplies, then sail away on an adventure that spans the globe.

Teen Dungeons & Dragons program

Dungeons & Dragons Teen Program at 4pm—We provide the character sheets, dice, D&D books, and snacks—you embark on the quest. For more information, call the South Webster Library at 740-778-2122

Bookworms storytime

Learn to become an independent reader with Miss Hailey as we venture into silly stories, fun songs, crafty activities all while we learn together and build skills necessary to start Kindergarten! You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Tuesday at 11:30am during active Storytime sessions!